Sunday 1 May 2016

One Page Dungeon 2016: The Quintessential Dungeon

Behold my entry into the 2016 one-page dungeon contest!

This year, rather than agonise over originality, I wanted something that evoked memories of our very first dungeons. A bar-room brawl, a slumbering dragon, oozes, a magic mouth, devious traps, and all the other beloved tropes - pure, unrefined Dungeons and Dragons.

I really hope you enjoy it!


  1. It's great to see a new post from you. Another winner I see.
    On another note, you guys wouldn't happen to have a new recipe for monster-related food items, would you? I usually get hungry when I visit this blog, ya know.
    Cheers, R

  2. I may cook something up just for you! Watch this space.

    1. Omm, nom, nom. I hope it's some kind of pudding. ^__^

  3. That is really fantastic! Great job and congratulations!

  4. Congratulations from one of your co-winners! I loved your entry.

  5. Nifty! You guys do some really great work. Beholder Pie is being added to my favorites!

  6. I really love your dungeon! I've always bring a copy in my pocket for some impromptu session. I keep playing it: every time it turns out different, but always a blast!

    1. Excellent! So glad to hear it's getting played and enjoyed!

  7. Was a great one to run for my students to give them some pure D&D concentrate. Fun little dungeon.

    1. Cheers David! It's triple-distilled D&D goodness.

  8. Hi Will,
    this is awesome! Could I translate this Dungeon into German and publish it for free? :-)

  9. Would like to run some players through this dungeon on my Twitch channel, would that be ok? Will clean up the map alittle so as to not give things away. Just want to make sure...

    1. NVM..I see the Creative Commons license note at bottom of map. I will certainly announce credit to you several times while runnning players through the dungeon.

  10. Will...

    Would you happen to have The Quintessential Dungeon map without all of the text and notes? Would love to convert this into Fantasy Grounds to run on my channel for players (if you don't mind!!). Can send you the final mod file if you's like.

  11. I love this! GREAT WORK. I am bathing in nostalgia here... I would love this as a print to hang in my gaming room.

  12. I'd love to print this at a large size and frame it for my games room. Is it available at a higher resolution?

  13. I'd love to print this at a large size and frame it for my games room. Is it available at a higher resolution? I've got the barrow maze map in canvas on one wall already.


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