Sunday 30 April 2017

One-Page Dungeon 2017: Temple of the Moon Priests

"Deep in the forest, a flooded temple holds the secret to a dying king's life. Can you untangle its mysteries before your rivals?"

"Temple of the Moon Priests" is my entry into the 2017 One-Page Dungeon Contest. Wish me luck! 


  1. I like the art, the set-up and the rival adventurers. Lovely work.

  2. Congrats on the win! Gorgeous piece!

  3. Congrats on the prize! I hope sometime to have a chance to run this, or play it

  4. This is fantastic. The artwork is amazing as well. IS there anyway I can purchase the non-notated image to show my players?


    I'm really pumped for Tomb of Annihilation.

    1. Thanks Jimmy! See the latest post to this page!

    2. I see it. Thank you. I ran Mind Blast this weekend and the players really dug the reveal when the kids told our heroes about the Lady Strongheart.

    3. Nice, I'm so pleased that adventure is still getting played! I should totally do a conversion for the DMs Guild.

  5. Hey sorry if I missed it somehow, but is there an implied method for redirecting the moonlight onto Artemur's statue? Is there a common spell or something that can do it? Am I missing something obvious?

    Thanks for any insights. Great piece of art and writing and I look forward to the delight this will bring to our table!!

    1. Hey there, and sorry for the late reply. There's no special trick here: the moonlight should be redirected with a mirror, a well-polished shield, or whatever else the players can think of. Hope you have fun with this!

  6. You definitely should. I'd be happy to send money your way.

  7. We played this last night as part on an intro to some new players. We had some town and tavern encounters, then a 3 day journey here, and got halfway through the temple. I made the rival party into wererats. Everyone had a great time.

  8. Where can I find a readable version of this, the resolution is way too low.

  9. Just found this dungeon this week and plan on running it tomorrow night. I think it's beautiful and well-designed. I would be very interested in talking to you and Stacey about possibly publishing some of your work. Please look us up at - best regards, Dave Newton


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